Ten-2-One Artists
Ten-2-One Artists
Weekly from 10 AM to 1 PM these artists, led by Pat Piscopo, gather to paint for open studio and to share their common bond, art at the Crescent Gallery.
As the magical hours pass, we forget about everything else and let art consume us. There’s a buzz of conversation, sharing of knowledge and lots of laughter. There are moments of silence and extreme concentration too.
As the camaraderie grows so does the number of art works.
You are welcome to join us every Thursday in the Crescent Gallery(Main Street, Thomaston, by the Opera House) from 10AM to 1:00PM.
For further information contact art@thomastonfinearts.com
Pat Piscopo at 860-283-2155
The Crescent Gallery announces it's 2025 Gallery Showings (TBA)
The Crescent Gallery of Thomaston is very excited to be entering into its seventh season of displaying local artists and their talents in this quaint and inviting space.
The collaborative relationship between the Ten-2-One artists of the Crescent Gallery and the Thomaston Opera House (TOH) is one born of a mutual love for making and sharing art, design and creativity. Since 2012, this local group of artists has displayed their artwork in the gallery (once the old firehouse of Thomaston).
Visit the gallery on Thursdays, 10:00am to 1:00pm to meet the artists! The gallery is located next to the Opera House Box Office, 158 Main Street, Thomaston, CT.
Writer's Group Meeting - Lena Morton Gallery
Jul 23rd 2024The Fine Arts Connection of Thomaston (FACT) announces the creation of a Writer’s Group! The group will be meeting weekly on Tuesdays, in the Lena Morton Gallery at Thomaston Town Hall, 158 Main St., Thomaston at 6:00 pm. The group will be led by Vinni Carey. You do not need to be a Thomaston resident to attend.
FACT Board Meeting - Town Hall Senior Center
Feb 10th 2025The quarterly meeting of the Fine Arts Connection of Thomaston is scheduled for the second Monday of each quarter in the Crescent Gallery, 158 Main Street, Thomaston, CT (Town Hall)
Board of Directors meets at 6:00 p.m.
This month’s meeting will be held in the Senior Center at the town hall.
Ten-2-One Artists
Feb 20th 2025The Ten-2-One Artists under the watchful eye and smiling face of Pat Piscopo meet once a week on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the St. Peter’s Trinity Episcopal Church (temporary meeting place) located at 160 Main Street, Thomaston, CT 06787
For more information contact: “art@thomastonfinearts.com”:http://www.art@thomastonfinearts.com
"Parade of Paintings" Art Exhibit @ St. Peter's Trinity Church
Feb 20th 2025The Ten-2-One-Artists have found Sanctuary at the Saint Peter’s-Trinity Church 160 Main Street Thomaston.
Since the ongoing construction at the Crescent Gallery, Thomaston Town Hall and the Thomaston Opera House these artists taken refuge next door at St. Peter’s-Trinity Church. “This congregation has welcomed us with open arms. Their hall is quite spacious and brightly lit. In fact, our hanging system fits into their trim like a match made in heaven.” Pat Piscopo said. The Ten-2-one Artists are thrilled to be exhibiting their work again.
The second show is called “Parade of Paintings” due to the current situation. This exhibit runs through June 2025.
Come visit the Ten-2-One Artists any Thursday, from 10am-1pm at St. Peter’s-Trinity Church 160 Main St Thomaston. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and peruse through our new wall of artworks. All paintings are for sale with commissions given to both the Fine Arts Connection of Thomaston and Saint Peter’s Trinity Church.
Image is “Here Comes the Sun” by David Jean.